Uses of Crossdraw Holsters

Licensed guns have been a part of households since the day guns were permitted for manufacturing on a large scale. The guns that are kept by normal civilians are usually handguns with a smaller, smoother recoil. These guns serve the purpose of self-defense and hunting when needed. To facilitate these motions, easy and fast withdrawal is necessary. Good crossdraw holsters made of leather serve that purpose. Crossdraw holsters are usually attached to the body at the waistband or fixed at the belt. Some people also like to adjust crossdraw holster placement in their pockets.

Types of Crossdraw Holsters

The Laredoancrossdraw holster

At the beginning of Hollywood, the dangerous, chivalrous, and risky lives of cowboys and huntsmen were glorified, since that era, the Laredoancrossdraw holsters have still maintained their reputation. The Laredoan allows the user to draw both two pistols with strong stability and coordination. It allows the user to draw the second gun after they are done reholstering the first one. The crossdraw holster is made from the same type of leather the traditional Laredoan were made from. It is molded by hand to provide a perfect fit and has designer latigo hammers as its tie-downs. This completely double-lined crossdraw holster is accompanied by an appropriate silver-plated concho or a silver-plated initial of the user.

Western Gig crossdraw holster

The western gig crossdraw holster has always been a favorite of consumers for a very specific reason. At Kirkpatrick’s, they decided to keep the classic holster and provide it with a few more new improvements to maintain authenticity. The model of the belt from 3900 is cut using a 9 oz. leather and is lined with pure suede leather for sturdiness. It has a diamond-stitched pattern for decorative purposes and has twelve hand-molded bullet loops placed strategically near the front of the crossdraw holster for easy and convenient access. The belt has been tapered around the ends and given the finishing look with a buckle plated by a square-shaped nickel. The crossdraw holster rig also comes with a fully lined bodice and has been given a deep hand-molded finish to achieve an accurate fit to one’s handgun. It is made for both of the action revolvers, single and double.

The Sante Fe crossdraw holster

From the middle 1800s, the Mexican double loop crossdraw holster has been predominantly used and cherished. At the Southwest, it was majorly used by many Mexican tradesmen, vaqueros, and very early settlers of Mexico. The Santa Fe crossdraw holster has been an authentic piece made by experts at Kirkpatrick’s in return to any request made by customers for their version of this valuable rig. At Kirkpatrick’s, expert leather craftsmen proudly have been making custom crossdraw holsters on the land of Texas, since the year 1950. All of their crossdraw holsters can be made to order or customized using high-quality American leather to suit a customer’s needs and serve their purposes. They certainly live up to their reputation of making reliable leather holsters.

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